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Railway Communication -- wireless signal coverage solution


With  more than 10 years of experience in product development and engineering in the weak field, Ticom Tech is aimed at providing a variety of wireless network coverage system solutions, including analog intercom, digital narrow band, mobile broadband. And the application area includes railway, subway, civil aviation, army, public security, etc.

Main wireless coverage solutions:

1. coverage of indoor signal in large buildings 

2.coverage of LTE wireless broadband signal 

3.coverage of GSM-R wireless signal

4.Coverage of railway 450M radio signal

5. coverage of TETRA cluster communication signal

6.Coverage of public network signals along the railway line

7、 coverage of DMR digital interphone signal 

8、interlaced coverage in GSM-R high speed railway

9、coverage of GPS/ Beidou satellite positioned signal



Next:The solution of wireless communication LTE-R system for railway broadband